‘Proud Mary’ Children’s Book!
Early this year on the ranch we had a lamb that was born without eyes. At first, we thought we might need to put her down – unsure of how a blind lamb would survive on the ranch, but we watched her closely and she held her own. She had a very doting and protective mother ewe who took such great care of her. She always walked with her head held high – probably to rely on her sense of smell to follow the flock and find her momma. She is a fighter and is the proudest little lamb you’ve ever seen – so we decided to name her Proud Mary!

Her momma recently paired up with another new lamb, and we had a predator attack just outside the barn. We knew we couldn’t keep her safe every night, so we had to find an alternative. Meander Ranch was just starting their sanctuary program and they were so excited to welcome Proud Mary as their lifelong resident! Brian insisted she had to go with her little buddy lamb, Julio, so she had her comfort and security with her.
Cory and Denise of Meander Ranch drove up to the ranch and we all said our goodbyes to Proud Mary. It was pretty bittersweet – ever since the girls found her shortly after she was born in our pasture, everyone has pitched in to make sure she’s been safe and protected.
My friend Jess Thomson helped write the perfect story of Proud Mary in a children’s book. I absolutely love the rhythm and cadence reading this story. It might make you tear up… it sure did for me.
Sara Jo from Bryarton Farm did an incredible job sketching and watercolor painting every page of this book. Sara’s daughter, Ellie Pearl, was born without eyes just like Proud Mary. Thanks to kindness and loved ones, both get to live a beautiful life.

We hope to publish this as a real book someday (it’s quite a process!) but for now you can enjoy this book digitally on any device or printed at home. Click here to order yours!
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