Last night the girls and I played in a Celebrity Poker Tournament via zoom last night to benefit Children’s Tumor research to end NF through research. They kicked it off with a zoom CHEERS! before the cards started flying so we broke out the cranberry apple sparkling cider!
My Uncle Jerry was also playing from Southern California and we found each other in the zoom chat, so we got to haze him while he was playing his poker game. By the end of the tournament everybody in the game including some of the celebrities/poker pros we’re calling him “Uncle Jerry”!
There were over 200 players in the tournament and we won 6 out of 8 hands when we started and then kinda fizzled out! We didn’t have a finish to speak of – but Uncle Jerry finished in 10th place!! He won a seat at the next tournament and a custom pool que!
We had so much fun playing for a good cause – and I loved teaching the girls some card and strategy skills in a good poker game!
What a fabulous thing to do with your girls for a great cause!
How fun! I love this new platform Mary ❤️
How fun! It’s amazing how many things can be done virtually in this season where it’s a necessity. Looks like a great night all around!
How fun!
So much fun benefitting a good cause!
Love the Girl’s drinks!! Super fun way to support a great cause!! Uncle Jerry sounds like a real “card”!!
Love the new way to stay updated on all things FiveMarys! I have no idea how to play poker but sounds fun.
Is it a lot easier to have a poker face during a zoom match? That sounds like a fun time with the girls! I bet uncle Jerry felt all the love!