Our First Monday at the M5 Meat Co!

It’s our first ‘real’ Monday at the Five Marys Custom Meat Co and it feels equal parts amazing and overwhelming! There is always so much to do with a brand new business and this time is even more so with a new (very complicated!) facility and USDA regulations and labeling requirements and a new team and equipment and ALL.THE.THINGS!
Brian and I were there this weekend getting as much as we could ready to hit the round and running today – but there’s so much to do and figure out… we kind of looked at each other like HOW is this all going to get done between us?!

But we took a few minutes to look around and appreciate what we’ve built after years of work. It’s much needed and the only way we know we can consistently provide our own meats to our customers with the best quality possible knowing we control the butcher dates and product in the end.

We know the kinks always work out and we are so proud of this project and our team and this one-of-a-kind facility. Here’s to pushing through the hard stuff on a Monday to see the rewards at the end of the day!

So exciting! I’ve been enjoying learning more about how our food gets from field to table, and appreciate you being so open so open about the process!