November Mornings on the Ranch

The feed truck roars to life in the early morning darkness. The tractor revs up to load alfalfa bales on the flatbed and Brian heads out for the pastures to start feeding the cattle.
It’s usually a two-person job with one driving and one throwing hay off the back of the truck as the cattle fill to form a feed line. Brian manages it alone in the mornings, putting his trusty Dodge in gear. It rolls along for him while he jumps on the back of the truck.
We work hard to grow our pasture grasses to provide for our cattle during the warmer months as they graze and rotate on green grass pastures.
As the temperatures drop and the grasses stop growing, we start feeding our livestock twice a day, everyday, until spring. It’s always something we watch closely – there is no set day we start feeding. Learning to manage our pastures better every year means we didn’t start having to feed in September or October like in years past. This is a very good thing given the price of quality alfalfa this year!
Brian took these photos in the early morning misty fog – it’s his favorite time of year and it’s no surprise why!
Early morning feedings are so peaceful and beautiful!
I agree!