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In a family business, the weekends are often the time we all have to jump in and work together to get a job that needs doing done. A few weekends ago we had to weigh and sort the livestock auction beef quarters at @fivemaryscustommeatco and it had to happen on a Saturday so the girls and a friend suited up in white coats and gloves and JJ was on clipboard duty (she has the best penmanship in the family ;) to get the job done. Thereā€™s a lot to take in at a butchery but they learn and work with care knowing how important that product is and how much work went into raising it! They learn so much doing this and get to know everything that goes into our businesses from the inside. Itā€™s interesting to see which jobs some are drawn to more than others! Today we had the farm store team scheduled for the day off, but when lots of orders were coming in (you guys are stocking up this week on Five Marys ground beef!) I knew weā€™d be short on boxes made up – so the girls and a few of their friends came to the rescue to brand, liner, sticker and put together over 700 boxes. They all get paid for this extra work (a lot of ranch chores are just expected when this is our lifestyle) and they felt great at the end of the day at an accomplished day, pizza lunch and money in their pockets. We donā€™t expect any of the girls will for sure want to come back to the ranch or our family businesses as adults – they might make their own paths as entrepreneurs or any type of career! But Iā€™m glad they have the knowledge knowing what goes into each arm of our business and the skills to take with them to work hard at any job. šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼ #fivemarys #shopfivemarys #m5girls #myfourmarys #fivemarysfarms



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