January 20, 2023

Jan 18/2023. Still no water at the house despite lots of muddy work trying to fix the pipes. Brian was working on it all day in between everything else, but Francie bundled up to keep him company for the late night last attempt (after a few fixes but a few more issues, too cold for PVC glue to stick so no luck) and made him his favorite Rice Krispie treats when he came in. But all the animals have water and we are making lamb bottles with bottled water for now! I also got to take our friend and very capable ranch hand’s senior photos at sunset. James is one of the coolest teenagers I know (pictured with his hound dog Sloane in his plane). He got his pilot’s license before his drivers license and saved up for his own small plane. The sun peaked under the clouds and we got some great photos! Gearing up for a rodeo weekend… #m5yearinphotos #m5january2023 #m5jamesj #teamfivemarys #alwayssomething #ranchlife

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